Coach’s Fund for Student Emergency Assistance Application University of Kansas Medical Center | School of Medicine (FOR KU M.D. STUDENTS ONLY)

Individuals applying for this fund may also want to sign up for direct deposit if they haven’t already done so. This will allow students, if approved, to receive their grant much quicker. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to set this up.

The Coach’s Fund for Student Emergency Assistance was developed to support medical students at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) who are experiencing an exceptional financial need that may prevent them from making successful academic progression. The Coach’s Fund is designed to assist students with specific, unforeseen circumstances. Examples of sudden and unexpected emergencies include, but are not limited to:

  • Funds for emergency transportation or car repair
  • Childcare support needed during an urgent situation
  • Medications or additional cost related to medical care
  • Safety needs (e.g., changing a lock)
  • Replacement of essential personal belongings due to fire, theft, or natural disaster
  • Travel costs related to death or illness in the immediate family

Students may only receive this award one time over the course of their enrollment throughout the entirety of their medical school program. All requests and distribution of funds will remain confidential.


  • Applicants must submit a completed application and meet all eligibility requirements.
  • Applicants must be a currently enrolled student at the KUMC in the School of Medicine.
  • Applications must be filled out completely before submission. An explanation of events that caused the acute and unexpected expenses, the reasons you believe your situation warrants the award, and supporting documentation (e.g., doctor’s and insurance statements, receipts, etc.) must be included. Students may attach PDFs, photos, or screenshots, if necessary.
  • Applicants must have considered alternative resources for support (e.g., financial aid, local/community resources, etc.).
  • Eligibility is also dependent on having a need that will have a detrimental impact on academic progression or the ability to remain enrolled at KUMC.

Award decisions will be made based on the applicant’s individual situation, but amounts awarded are subject to limitations and the applicant may not receive the total amount requested. Grants are generally no more than $500. The approved amount will not be greater than the documented expense (e.g., amount for emergency dental procedure not covered by insurance). It is not within the scope of this award to fund expected or anticipated maintenance, even if not covered by insurance, unless there are other contributing circumstances.

*Application Process *
All Coach’s Fund for Student Emergency Assistance applications will be submitted via Academic Works through the Office of Financial Aid for processing. A committee of representatives from the Office of Student Affairs, the Academic Societies faculty, and the Office of Financial Aid will review de-identified applications within 5 business days of receipt. Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis and takes into consideration the unique circumstance of each applicant. The committee will also consider the student’s financial aid status to help ensure that the disbursement of an award will not require financial aid funds to be returned.

Students will receive a written decision within two business days via their KUMC email account. Upon approval, the student will receive disbursement through direct deposit through Student Financial Accounting. Should a student not have direct deposit set up, they will need to coordinate with the Office of Financial Aid on obtaining a paper check.

Awards are contingent on available funding. Applicants may be placed on a waitlist but will receive awards as funds become available.

If there are questions about an applicant’s eligibility or application process, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at 913-588-5261 or

*Additional Resources *
Office of Financial Aid
Counseling and Educational Support Services

Supplemental Questions
  1. What are your current sources of funding? (Check all that apply)
  2. If you selected "Other sources of funding" please specify:
  3. Which best reflects the need to request funding (Check all that apply)
  4. If "Other," please explain.
  5. Amount Requested (not to exceed $500):
  6. Please specify your need and how the Coach's Fund for Student Emergency Assistance may alleviate some of the need:
  7. You are welcome to upload any supporting documents or evidence of need here:
  8. Show 2 more