University Scholars & Global Scholars Application

Students in their second year of undergraduate study may apply to any or all of the seminars with their ranked-order preference. The selection committee will place successful applicants in a seminar, taking into account their preference and interests, as well as other considerations that ensure diversity of background, perspective, and discipline in either seminar. Please note that applicants do not need to be members of the University Honors Program to apply.

Supplemental Questions
  1. List your three most significant honors/awards/scholarships and describe them briefly.
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
  2. List your four most significant extracurricular interests and describe them briefly.
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  3. Consider me for Global Scholars: Peace, War, and Security?
  4. If applying for both programs, please rank if Global Scholars is your first or second choice.
  5. If you are seeking consideration for Global Scholars, please respond to this prompt: How does the Global Scholars seminar topic and program relate to your experiences, interests, and goals?
  6. Consider me for University Scholars: Imagined Futures?
  7. If applying for both programs, please rank whether University Scholars is your first or second choice.
  8. If you are seeking consideration for University Scholars, please respond to this prompt: How does the University Scholars seminar topic and program relate to your experiences, interests, and goals?
  9. Provide a personal statement. Your aim should be to provide an “intellectual portrait” of yourself, explaining what inspires you in your education and how your academic interests relate to your aspirations beyond KU.
  10. Please provide the name and email address for two faculty references.
    • Reference #1
    • Reference #2
  11. Show 5 more