Amanda and Bryce Holt Scholarship

“This fund shall be used to provide renewable scholarships for scholarship hall residents at the University of Kansas with academic merit and significant financial need, but who are not eligible to receive a Pell Grant. Incoming and returning scholarship hall resident shall be considered for selection. Continued scholarship hall residence is required for renewal.

It is the donors’ intent that the full amount of available scholarship support be disbursed to one student until such time as the available amount exceeds the cost of tuition for one student at the University of Kansas. At that time, any amount in excess of the cost of tuition for one student may be disbursed to a second student until such time as the available amount exceeds the cost of tuition for two students, and so on. In the event extenuating financial circumstances would otherwise prevent current recipients from remaining in the scholarship halls or persisting at KU, scholarship disbursements may, if sufficient funds are available, exceed the cost of tuition as necessary, up to the cost of attendance.
To assist the University in building the diverse community that is essential to achieving its stated mission, the University may select recipients based on criteria that will contribute to the diversity of the student body. If the University determines it appropriate to consider for purposes of diversity, gender maybe also be a factor, but it will not be dispositive of a decision. The donors express preference for the selection of female students. Recipients shall be determined by an appropriate committee approved by the Chancellor. For so long as Jennifer E. Jordan (KU School of Business) and Edward C. Healy (KU School of Engineering) continue to be employed, in any capacity, by the University of Kansas, the donors request their participation on the selection committee for this scholarship. Their feedback as participants of the committee will be taken into consideration but will not be dispositive of a decision."
