Undergraduate Research Awards

Undergraduate Research Awards (UGRAs) are $1,000 scholarships provided to undergraduate students pursuing original research or creative projects under the general guidance of a KU faculty member or another approved mentor. Each UGRA proposal must be sponsored by a KU affiliated faculty member or approved mentor who has read and approved the proposal and who agrees to oversee the conduct and completion of the project.

To complete your application, you will submit the application form via this system and upload your UGRA proposal. Additionally, your mentor must submit a letter of recommendation. You will include your mentor’s name and contact information within the form which will send an email to the mentor with uploading instructions once you submit your application.
***Both the student application form and mentor reference must be received in order to be considered for funding.

The deadline for your application/proposal is Sunday, October 27th.

The deadline for your mentor’s reference is Wednesday, October 30th.

Within the application form, you will be asked to upload your UGRA proposal which must be saved as a PDF and follow the guidelines below.
Your proposal should:

  • be no more than 5 total pages, including your text content (~2000 words), figures, images, image captions, references, footnotes, appendices, etc.
  • be single-spaced and typed using Times New Roman 12 point font for main content. Additional text can be used as needed to support figures, images, captions, footnotes, etc.
  • have 1 inch margins top, bottom, right, and left.
  • have a title at the top of the first page. Please do not include your name.
  • include the following sections: abstract/summary, background and introduction, methods and approach, applicant’s preparation, conclusion, and references. Optional content may include figures, charts, and images.
  • be saved as a PDF with file name LastnameProposal.PDF. For example, SmithProposal.PDF
    ***Proposals not meeting the criteria outlined above may not be considered for review.

For full information and additional regulations related to the UGRA application and proposal, see https://curf.ku.edu/undergraduate-research-awards. Students working in groups and students who have previously received a UGRA should review the UGRA FAQ section on that webpage.

We encourage you to have someone from the Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships review your application proposal before submitting If you would like to have your proposal reviewed or you experience technical difficulties, please email curf@ku.edu.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Enter your last name
  2. Enter your official first name
  3. What is the title of your proposed project?
  4. Is your proposal for a creative project? Note: creative projects are often from students working in visual art, photography, architecture, theatre, or music and pursuing creative scholarship.
  5. What is your major(s)?
  6. Mentor Name
  7. Mentor Email
  8. Mentor's Name and Email for Reference
  9. What is your mentor's department?
  10. Public Law 93-380 and its amendments give a student the right of access to letters of recommendation. In order to encourage the authors of letters to write with candor, students can also waive this right to access. All documents that are part of this application will be used only for the purposes of evaluating students' qualifications for the UGRAs.
  11. Optional: Additional Mentor's Name and Email
  12. Optional: What is your additional mentor's department
  13. Have you received an UGRA before?
  14. If so, when?
  15. If you receive an award, may we include your information in a KU News Press Release?
  16. If funded, may we share your proposal?
  17. Upload your proposal as a PDF
  18. Optional: Upload previous work (for students in the arts or architecture)
  19. If you have any plans to present your research or creative project, please list those here.
  20. How did you hear about the Undergraduate Research Awards? Select all that apply.
  21. If "Other," please specify
  22. Show 16 more