U-CHaMP Scholars

The need for specialized health care professionals continues to grow. There is an increasing need for health professions graduates, especially those inspired to work in underserved communities. Furthermore, students from underserved backgrounds help support the cultural competency of the healthcare workforce.

U-CHaMP Mission
To provide a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students to achieve their academic goals.

U-CHaMP Vision
To empower students to embrace cultural competency and choose to work in underserved communities.

The U-CHAMP Scholars Scholarship will be given to students who are currently enrolled SHP students or who plan to enroll who meet the prescribed criteria and best exemplify the qualities of supporting underserved communities. Past applicants and recipients of this award are welcome to re-apply if recipients maintain good academic standing. Recipients may receive up to a maximum of $10,000 per academic year and awards are dependent on available funds and the number of qualified applicants.

To apply for the U-CHaMP Scholars Scholarship, you must meet all the following criteria:

1. Currently enrolled or planning to enroll SHP student who will be enrolled in the next academic year.
2. Meet the disadvantaged student criteria including at least one of the following:

  • Economically Disadvantaged: The family’s annual income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level per Health and Human Services guidelines. (Example: A family of four cannot earn more than $62,400 per year.)
  • Educationally Disadvantaged
    a. First Generation College Student (Parents did not graduate from a four-year college or university)
    b. Student graduated from a high school that met other “educationally disadvantaged” standards, such as the number of students eligible for free and reduced lunches.

Candidates may be interviewed. A decision will be made by July 31st with awards being distributed in Fall 2024/Spring 2025. Please note that this scholarship will be awarded through Student Financial Aid and completing the FAFSA or other required documents is required.

Students who receive this scholarship award will be required to attend U-CHaMP recruitment events, participate in activities to learn about underserved populations and provide peer mentorship to U-CHaMP Ambassadors, along with other requirements. For a complete list of program expectations, please visit www.kumc.edu/uchamp.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss eligibility, contact Angie Huber via email at ahuber9@kumc.edu

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your expected graduation date?
  2. Please list the high school(s) attended.
  3. Please list the colleges or universities that you attended.
  4. Please select which qualifying criteria you meet.
  5. Please explain how you meet this criteria.
  6. Please attach a Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  7. Please upload a one-page personal statement/essay that describes your past and current experiences with serving in underserved communities and participation in the U-CHaMP Ambassadors program, if applicable. Activity details should include your role, responsibilities, years of involvement, and approximate number of hours served. Further, explain how you plan to support your service to underserved communities after you graduate from your health professions program
  8. Please provide a letter of recommendation that supports your qualifications for the U-CHaMP Scholars Scholarship.
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