Nossaman Scholarship

This fund shall be used to provide scholarships for students with financial need and academic merit at the University of
Kansas. Preference shall be given to students from Great Bend, Kansas. If there are no eligible students from Great Bend,
Kansas students from Barton, Kiowa, Clark and Comanche, Kansas may be considered. If there are no students from those
listed counties, students from the state of Kansas may be considered. Additional preference given to students in STEM
majors. The donor wishes for the scholarship to be renewable upon maintenance of a B average and is enrolled as a full time
student. The initial expendable $10,000 of the fund shall provide $1,000 annual scholarship to a student for a total of 4 years,
with a new student being added annually. Upon the fund becoming endowed, it is the donors wish that the scholarship
provide 4 year renewable support to recipients to as many students that the available funds allow at a minimum of $1,000 per
year. Pending Endowed 5years/2029 or $50,000
