Spencer Duncan Make It Count Military & Veteran Book Scholarship
Thanks to a donation from the Spencer C. Duncan Make it Count Foundation, we offer scholarships to help provide additional money for veterans and military for the purposes of textbooks.
- Prior-service veterans, Guard and Reserve students at KU
If you are using Ch. 31 VR&E, you are not eligible since the VA pays for all your books
If you are using Ch. 33 Post-9/11 VA benefits, we will consider expenses that exceed your VA book allowance. Please include receipts that show how you exceed the VA book stipend.
- Active duty (undergraduates only)
- ROTC students (only those not receiving any ROTC scholarships)
Funding & Application Review Period
Application review will begin early March for Spring 2025 and awards will be distributed regularly until May 1 or we run out of funding.
*Unfortunately, we currently do not have book scholarships for spouses dependents and active duty graduate students but continually look for donor support.
Questions? Email MAscholarships@ku.edu
- Award
- Max amount is $250
- Deadline
- 05/01/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- The Spencer Duncan Make It Count Military & Veteran Book Scholarships are restricted to current and former military students at KU/KUMC. Guard members, Reservists, veterans, active duty (undergraduates only) and ROTC students (not receiving any ROTC scholarships) may apply. Eligibility Requirements: • Guard or Reserve members • Veterans • Active Duty undergrad students • ROTC students not receiving any ROTC scholarships • Note: If you are using Ch. 31 VR&E, you are NOT eligible since the VA pays for all your books • Note: If you are using Ch. 33 Post-9/11 VA benefits, we will consider expenses that exceed your VA book allowance. Please include receipts that show how you exceed the VA book stipend.
- Please select all military affiliations that apply:
- Student ID number
- What semester are you applying for (e.g. Fall 2024)?
- Which GI Bill chapter will you be/are you using this semester?
- What are your total book costs this semester/term?
- Please attach itemized receipts showing the book expenses indicated above, preferably in one PDF/document, if you can. Because the award is a maximum of $250/semester, you only need to upload receipts up to that amount, unless you're a Post-9/11 GI Bill user whose book costs exceed your book stipend, then please upload all receipts to show how you exceed your VA book stipend.
- If needed, upload additional documentation here:
- If needed, upload additional documentation here:
- If needed, upload additional documentation here:
- If needed, upload additional documentation here:
- When do you expect to graduate from the University of Kansas?
- How did you find out about this scholarship?
- I certify that all answers and information provided in this application are complete, true, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation, falsification, or omission of any facts in this application may result in my application being denied. I also understand application review begins Sept. 1 (fall semester) and Feb. 1 (spring semester) and that funds are not guaranteed, as this is a donor-funded scholarship.
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